What can I put in my compost bin?
Compostable Items we do accept:
Fruit and vegetable scraps
Pasta, bread, cereal
Cooked foods
Egg shells
Coffee grounds, filters, & tea bags
Paper towels and paper towel rolls
Wax paper
100% paper products
Pizza boxes
Flour and sugar bags
Plain paper plates not lined with plastic film
Baked goods: Candies, cookies, pastries, cake, etc.
Baking ingredients, herbs, spices
Household plants including soil
Pet food
100% BPI certified compostable products
Meat, bones, fish products
Dairy products
Items we do not accept include (but are not limited to):
PLASTIC (unless labeled BPI Certified compostable)
Styrofoam meat trays
Aluminum foil
Clams, oysters, mussels (basically rocks)
Candles, synthetic corks and gum
Artificial flowers and plants
Rugs, carpets
Cigarette butts, tobacco
Dental floss and Q-tips
Baby wipes
Disposable mop sheets
Vacuum cleaner bags
Pet waste
Fireplace or BBQ ashes
Recyclable materials
Items labeled biodegradable (Basically meaningless. Simply means that an item will break down into smaller parts after disposal so technically even styrofoam could be called biodegradable.)
Items labeled Oxo-Biodegradable (leaves tiny plastic particles in compost)