How To Compost In Oklahoma City

How to compost in Oklahoma City

As a community composter we want to make sure that our community knows how to compost in Oklahoma City. Believe it or not you have options! Whichever composting option you choose, know that you are part of a growing movement that will take all of us embarking on the conscious act of diverting food scraps from landfills. So tell us, which option do you use/will you start using?

Option 1: Using us, Fertile Ground (your locally owned composting cooperative)

  • Who is this for? Single family residents, apartment dwellers, and businesses.

  • How can you get started? You sign up for pick-up service here.

  • What are the benefits? It’s an easy and convenient way to divert household food waste from the landfill. This composting option is great for those who may not be able to drop-off at a community composting site or compost at home.

Option 2: Home composting

  • Who is this for? Anyone with the energy and space available. You do not need a large yard to compost at home, there are options for small yards and apartments! Wire bins, worm bins, and bokashi composting are great options for small space composting.

  • How can you get started? If you are a composting newbie, you can attend composting workshops put on by the Oklahoma Composting and Sustainability Association (OCASA) for in person instructions or check out their YouTube channel.

  • What are the benefits? You can’t beat the location, you’ll have access to your own compost, and a low cost.

Option 3: Drop-off at community compost location

  • Who is this for? People on a budget, don’t have the space or time to compost at home. Fertile Ground has drop-off locations in OKC, Edmond and Norman. You can use these drop-off locations for just $10 a month or pay-what-you-can if you drop off at the Fertile Ground facility. If you are not near a Fertile Ground drop-off you can also check out ShareWaste, it’s platform for residents who compost at home to connect and accept food scraps from people nearby.

  • How can you get started? You can sign up for Fertile Ground’s drop-off program here!

  • What are the benefits? It’s only $10 a month, and you are participating in a localized waste system that promotes a circular economy.

BONus for Fertile Ground’s residential Customers

Residential customers of Fertile Ground (pick-up or drop-off service) get a 10% discount on mulch, garden soil and compost purchases all year. You’ll also get a free 5-gallon bucket of compost once a year!


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